Условия публичной оферты – Cestrx


Of the Individual Entrepreneur Muradyan Yuriy Yuryevich

(TIN: 519053364664 OGRNIP: 317784700049291)

1.1. Public Offer – this document constitutes a public offer of the Seller addressed to any individual for the conclusion of a retail purchase and sale agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) on the terms set forth in this Public Offer, including all appendices, posted on the website https://cl25885-wordpress-yu8da.tw1.ru/ of the Seller.

1.2. Acceptance of the Public Offer (hereinafter referred to as the “Acceptance”) – the full and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer of the terms of this Public Offer. The placement of an Order by the Buyer for the goods offered by the Seller constitutes acceptance (agreement) by the Buyer of the terms of this Public Offer in full without any limitations, exceptions, reservations, or exclusions.

1.3. Website (Online Store) – a set of electronic resources available for viewing by Buyers on the Internet at the domain name https://cl25885-wordpress-yu8da.tw1.ru/.

1.4. Goods – goods, the assortment of which is presented on the Seller’s Website.

1.5. Retail Purchase and Sale Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) – in accordance with Article 1, Part 1, Article 492 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a transaction under which one party engaged in entrepreneurial activities for the retail sale of goods undertakes to transfer the goods intended for personal, family, household, or other use not related to entrepreneurial activities to the other party.

1.6. Distance Selling of Goods – the sale of goods under a retail purchase and sale agreement concluded based on the Buyer’s review of the description of the goods offered by the Seller, using the Internet, excluding the Buyer’s direct inspection of the goods or sample of the goods when concluding such an agreement.

1.7. Buyer’s Bank Card – a bank card allowing the Buyer to perform operations for the payment of Goods purchased from the Seller under the Agreement.

1.8. Manager – an employee authorized to act on behalf of the Seller.

1.9. Shopping Cart – a Website service allowing the Buyer to make a preliminary selection of ordered Goods for further purchase.

1.10. Delivery – services for delivering the Goods to the address specified by the Buyer and transferring it to the Buyer or a person specified by the Buyer.

1.11. Order – the Buyer’s intention to purchase a specific Goods expressed by filling out an electronic form by the Buyer presented on the Seller’s Website or orally, by the telephone number indicated on the Website.

1.12. Courier Service, Delivery Service – an organization providing transportation and/or transport and forwarding services with which the Seller has entered into a corresponding agreement for the delivery of the Goods to the Buyer.

1.13. Cancellation of the Order or Goods – a technical action of the Seller that does not imply the Seller’s refusal to perform the contract, which is carried out on the Website and confirms the fact that some Goods included in the Order (cancellation of the Goods) or all Goods included in the Order (cancellation of the Order) were not delivered to the Client under the current Order.

1.14. Seller – the Individual Entrepreneur Muradyan Yuriy Yuryevich (TIN: 519053364664 OGRNIP: 317784700049291).

1.15. Buyer – an individual who places an Order on the website https://cl25885-wordpress-yu8da.tw1.ru/, uses the Goods purchased on the website https://cl25885-wordpress-yu8da.tw1.ru/ exclusively for personal, family, household, and other needs not related to entrepreneurial activities.

1.16. Parties – the Seller and the Buyer jointly.

2.1. This document constitutes a public offer in accordance with Article 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and contains an offer from the Seller to conclude a retail purchase and sale agreement for goods with the Buyer based on the review of the description of the goods presented on the Website.

2.2. Relations in the field of consumer rights protection are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights,” and other federal laws and regulations adopted in accordance with them.

2.3. The Seller reserves the right to unilaterally amend the terms of this offer, therefore the Buyer undertakes to monitor the current version of this offer on the website of the Online Store. All changes come into effect immediately upon publication and are considered brought to the attention of the Buyer from the moment of such publication.

2.4. By placing Orders, the Buyer agrees to the full text of this offer, with all appendices and additional sections on the Website.

2.5. By pressing the “Place an order” button on the last stage of the Order placement on the Website, the Buyer agrees to the terms of sale of the selected Goods. Taking such actions confirms the conclusion of an agreement between the Buyer and the Seller.

2.6. In the event of the Seller holding incentive events – promotions, special provisions regulating the procedure for placing an Order and returning Goods may be established in the conditions of the promotions posted on the Website. In this case, the terms of the promotions are an integral part of this offer and apply to persons participating in the promotions. Placing an Order under a promotional offer and/or fulfilling other conditions of participation in a promotion signifies the Buyer’s agreement to the terms of the relevant promotion.

2.7. The term during which the offer to conclude a contract is valid is not limited unless otherwise specified on the Website.

2.8. The Seller is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the Buyer when placing an Order (including information provided by the Buyer by telephone).

2.9. By providing the Seller with their email and telephone number, the Buyer agrees to the use of these means of communication by the Seller, as well as by third parties engaged by the Seller for the purpose of fulfilling obligations to Buyers, for the purpose of sending promotional and informational mailings containing information about discounts, upcoming and ongoing promotions and other events of the Seller, about transferring the order for delivery, as well as other information directly related to the fulfillment of obligations by the Buyer under this Agreement.

2.10. By placing an Order, the Buyer agrees that the Seller may assign the performance of the Agreement to a third party, while remaining responsible for its performance.


3.1. The acceptance of this offer is the placing of an Order by the Buyer for the Goods by clicking the “Place an Order” button.

3.2. By placing an Order, the Buyer agrees that they are providing their personal data to the Seller for the purposes specified in this offer and consent to their processing.

3.3. By accepting this offer, the Buyer agrees that:

the registration data (including personal data) are provided voluntarily by them;

the registration data (including personal data) are transmitted electronically via open communication channels of the Internet;

the registration data (including personal data) are provided to the Seller for the purposes specified in this offer and may be transferred to third parties for the purposes specified in this offer;

the registration data (including personal data) may be used by the Seller for the purpose of promoting goods and services by making direct contact with the Buyer through communication channels;

for additional protection against fraudulent actions, the registration data (including personal data) provided by the Buyer may be transferred to the bank conducting transactions for the payment of orders placed on the Website;

this consent of the Buyer to the processing of their registration data (including personal data) is indefinite and may be revoked by the Buyer or their legal representative by submitting a written statement sent to the Seller by email.

the receipt will be generated in electronic form and sent to the email address provided during registration.


4.1. The Seller undertakes to transfer ownership of the Goods to the Buyer, and the Buyer undertakes to pay for and accept the Goods in accordance with the terms specified on the Website.

4.2. When placing an Order, the Buyer provides the Seller with accurate information about themselves: surname, first name, patronymic, phone number, e-mail, chooses the method of receiving the Goods based on the options provided by the Website: delivery.

4.3. The Buyer places and pays for Orders using the methods offered.

4.4. The ownership right to the Goods passes to the Buyer upon transfer of the Goods. The risk of accidental loss or damage to the Goods passes to the Buyer upon receipt of the Goods at the Parcel Locker after entering the code from the SMS, as well as when the Buyer signs the documents/electronic tablet confirming delivery by the Courier Service, verbalizing the code from the SMS, including at the Pickup Point/during contactless delivery.

4.5. If it is discovered after receiving the Order that the required quantity/type of Goods is not available at the Seller’s warehouse, the Seller informs the Buyer about this by phone via SMS message or by sending a notification to the email. In this case, the Order is canceled, and the funds, if paid by the Buyer, are returned within 15 (fifteen) calendar days. The Seller bears no other responsibility to the Buyer in case of the required Goods not being available at the Seller’s warehouse. The Seller’s obligations to transfer the goods and other obligations related to the transfer of the Goods arise from the moment of the Seller’s confirmation of the Order to the Buyer by sending a notification using the methods specified above.

4.7. Prices for the Goods are determined by the Seller unilaterally and are indicated on the pages of the Online Store.


5.1. The availability of Goods presented on the Seller’s Website is determined by the individual status of the Goods displayed in the Goods card with its detailed description. The Goods presented on the Internet store are accompanied by photo images owned by the Seller. The image and price of the Goods, information about its availability, sizes, possible colors are indicated on the Seller’s website.

5.2. The Goods may have minor differences from the image presented on the Internet store in terms of color, shape, size, or other parameters.

5.3. The sale of Goods in accordance with the terms of this Public Offer is carried out in real-time mode (24/7). The Seller reserves the right to change the price of the Goods and information about its availability at any time at their discretion. After the Buyer has placed an Order, the price of the Goods specified by them in the Order remains unchanged.


6.1. The ordering of Goods is carried out by the Buyer using one of the following methods: independently using the Seller’s online store service, or by contacting the Seller through messengers.

6.2. When placing an Order, the Buyer undertakes to provide the following information:

last name, first name, patronymic (in Russian);
actual delivery address of the Goods;
email address (when placing an Order on the Website);
contact phone number;
name of the Goods, article number, brand, price of the Goods;
additional information at the Buyer’s discretion.
6.3. The fact of receiving the Order by the Buyer is confirmed by the Seller using one of the following methods:

by making an outgoing call to one of the contact phone numbers provided by the Buyer, followed by confirmation by the Buyer of the information contained in the Order, and/or clarification of the Delivery conditions;
by sending a message to the email address or through electronic messengers of the Buyer (Telegram, WhatsApp). In this case, the Order is accepted by the Seller for execution only after agreeing on the contents of the Order, its cost, and the method of delivery, and notifying the Buyer accordingly.
6.4. After placing the Order, the Seller coordinates the Order details with the Buyer by phone, including the planned date and time of delivery of the Goods. The specified date and time depend on the delivery region and the time required to process the Order.

6.5. The Order is considered unfulfilled if the Buyer informs the Seller of a change in the decision to purchase before the start of order assembly at the warehouse. If the Buyer informs the Seller of this after the start of order assembly at the warehouse, changes to the configuration are not possible.


7.2. The price of the Goods is indicated on the Website. In case of incorrect indication of the price of the Goods ordered by the Buyer when placing the Order, the Seller informs the Buyer to confirm the Order at the corrected price or to cancel the Order. If it is impossible to contact the Buyer within 1 calendar day, the Order is considered canceled. If the Order has been paid for, the Seller refunds the amount paid by the Buyer for the Order using the same method it was paid.

7.3. The price of the Goods on the Website may be changed by the Seller unilaterally. In this case, the price of the Goods ordered by the Buyer does not change.

7.3.1. The Buyer agrees that in case of editing the composition of the Order by them, prices for Goods, as well as the availability of Goods, may change. Editing in this case means adding or removing Goods from the Order by the Buyer. The Buyer is informed that in case of changing the Order before its processing, the Seller informs the Buyer by phone/email or via online messenger.

7.3.2. Prices for Goods in the Buyer’s cart and on the Website may be changed by the Seller unilaterally before the Order is placed by the Buyer. The Buyer agrees to this condition.

7.4. Features of payment for Goods using bank cards:

7.4.1. In accordance with the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation “On the Issuance of Bank Cards and on Operations Conducted Using Payment Cards” dated December 24, 2004 No. 266-P, operations with bank cards are carried out by the cardholder or by a person authorized by them.

7.4.2. Authorization of operations with bank cards is carried out by the bank. If the bank has reason to believe that the operation is fraudulent, the bank may refuse to execute the operation. Fraudulent operations with bank cards fall under the provisions of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

7.4.3. By making a payment with a bank card on the Website, the Buyer agrees to receive an electronic receipt by email. A printed cash receipt is not provided in this case.

7.5. The Seller reserves the right to provide discounts on Goods and establish a bonus program. Types of discounts, bonuses, the procedure, and conditions for their accrual are determined by the Seller independently and are indicated on the Website.


8.1. The conditions for the delivery of the Goods, namely the delivery time and its cost, depend on a third party responsible for the delivery. The Seller is not responsible for any delays in delivery caused by third parties (Courier Service, Russian Post, etc.). The final cost of the Order, including the delivery cost chosen by the Buyer, is calculated individually and communicated to the Buyer at the time of Order confirmation. The delivery cost may be changed if the delivery address of the order is changed. The delivery fee is paid by the Buyer simultaneously with the payment for the Order.

8.1.2. The expected date of handing over the Order to the Delivery Service is communicated to the Buyer by an employee managing the Order, via email or during a control call to the Buyer. The date of delivery of the Goods may be changed by the Seller unilaterally provided there is mandatory notification and agreement of the new delivery date with the Buyer.

8.2. Delivery of the Goods may be carried out by the Seller with the involvement of Courier Services.

8.3. Upon delivery of the Order, it is handed over directly to the Buyer or to another person specified by the Buyer as the recipient of the Order.

8.4. When delivering a prepaid Order, the Courier, to prevent cases of fraud, has the right to demand documents verifying the identity of the recipient. In this case, the Seller guarantees the Confidentiality and protection of the Personal information of the recipient.

8.5. The delivered Goods are handed over to the Buyer at their place of residence or another address specified by them, and in the absence of the Buyer, to any person presenting a receipt or other document confirming the conclusion of a contract or the processing of the delivery of the Goods. The Goods may also be delivered to a parcel locker address, a post office, or a courier service, depending on the delivery method chosen by the Buyer.

8.6. Upon receipt of the Order from the Courier Service, Russian Post, etc., the Recipient is obliged to inspect the delivered Goods and open them in the presence of a representative of the Courier Service, Russian Post for checking the conformity of the Goods to the declared quantity, assortment, quality, and completeness of the Goods. In case of any complaints about the delivered Goods (shortage, inclusion of Goods different from those indicated in the shipping list, deviation of the delivered Goods from the sample familiarized by the Recipient, manufacturing defects, other complaints), at the direction of the Recipient, a representative of the Courier Service shall draw up an Act of identified discrepancies, signed by the Recipient of the Goods and the representative of the Courier Service, Russian Post. If no complaints have been made by the Recipient in the above manner, the Seller is considered to have fully and properly fulfilled its obligation to transfer the Goods. The Buyer loses the right to make claims against the Seller.

8.6.1. In case of no complaints about the delivered Goods, the Buyer signs the receipt accompanying the Order (or another document confirming the transfer of the Order to the Recipient). The signature of the Recipient in the documents on the delivery of the Goods confirms that no complaints about the Goods were made by the Recipient at the time of transfer, and the Seller has fully and properly fulfilled its obligation to transfer the Goods.

8.7. The ownership right to the Goods, as well as the risk of accidental loss or damage to the Goods, passes to the Buyer from the moment the Buyer signs the invoice for the transfer of the Goods to them, regarding which a Contract has been concluded between the Seller and the Buyer.

8.8. The Order is considered delivered at the moment of its handover to the Buyer. By accepting the Goods, the Buyer confirms the fulfillment of the Order.

8.9. If the delivery of the Goods is made beyond the customs border of the Russian Federation, the risk of accidental loss or damage to the Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment the Seller transfers the Goods to the Courier Service. For this reason, all claims regarding delivery times, appearance and integrity of the packaging, loss, damage to the Goods must be made by the Buyer to the Courier Service.


9.1. The Buyer has the right to refuse the Goods of proper quality at any time before its receipt.

9.2. In case of the Buyer’s refusal of the Order at the time of delivery, the Buyer bears the costs incurred by the Seller for the delivery of the Order.

9.3. When refunding the amount of prepayment made by the Buyer in a non-cash manner, including when using electronic funds for payment, bank and other commissions paid by the Buyer in connection with this are not compensated by the Seller.

9.4. The Buyer has the right to refuse the Goods at any time before its transfer, and after transfer, within 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of its transfer, excluding the day of transfer. For this, it is necessary that the product has not been used, its consumer properties, appearance, packaging, seals, labels, as well as the product invoice and/or cash receipt, warranty card, are preserved. The Goods must be of proper quality: without defects, dents, chips, cracks, scratches, and other mechanical damages, except for hidden production defects. The exchange of Goods of proper quality for other goods by the Seller is not carried out. The Buyer has no right to refuse non-returnable goods of proper quality on the basis of the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2020 No. 2463.

9.5. Return of Goods of improper quality is possible only after notifying the Seller by email.

9.6. Return of goods of proper quality, which the Buyer refused, is carried out through return points or by sending the Goods chosen by the Buyer by courier or postal service to the following address:

Moscow, Sushchevsky Val, 60k1, apt 147.

9.7. For the return of Goods of proper quality and refund of the payment for the Goods, the Buyer must send the following documents together with the Goods to the Seller:

a request for a refund of funds;
a copy of the invoice by which the Goods were received;
a copy of the cash receipt if the goods were paid for at the time of receipt;
a copy of the Buyer’s passport.
9.8. When returning Goods of proper quality through a return point, the Buyer must reimburse the Seller for the costs of delivering the Goods from the return point to the Seller’s warehouse. These funds are deducted from the cost of the Order paid by the Buyer and subject to return due to the refusal of Goods of proper quality. The delivery cost is calculated by the delivery service. When returning Goods of proper quality through a courier or postal service, the Buyer independently pays the cost of delivering the Goods to the Seller, and these expenses are not reimbursed to the Buyer.

9.9. The period for refunding the funds paid for the returned goods of proper quality is 10 calendar days from the date of submission of the Buyer’s refund request. The date of submission of the Refund Request is considered to be:

in case of sending through a return point – the date of submission of the Request to such a return point;
in case of sending by courier or postal service – the date of receipt of the Request by the Seller from the postal or courier service.
During this period, the Seller has the right to conduct an inspection of the quality of the returned goods. If mechanical damage, defects in consumer properties, appearance, packaging are identified, the Buyer’s refusal of the goods and refund is not possible, about which the Seller informs the Buyer in writing.

9.10. In case of discovering deficiencies regarding quantity, quality (apparent defects), completeness, packaging, and/or packaging, the Buyer may notify the Seller of these violations by submitting a claim and returning the goods within 20 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Goods, if necessary, in accordance with clauses 9.11-9.12. of this Agreement.

9.11. The return of defective goods and the submission of claims are made by the Buyer through return points (see list) or by sending the Goods selected by the Buyer by mail or courier service to the Seller’s address. If the Buyer intends to return the Goods and/or file a claim with the Seller through a return point, they must send a letter to the Seller’s email. Within 1 (one) business day, the Seller must contact the Buyer to agree on the terms of returning the goods. Without the specified agreement, the acceptance of the goods at the return point is not possible.

9.12. In case of discovering deficiencies in the Goods, the Buyer is obliged to send the following documents to the Seller:

Buyer’s claim specifying the deficiencies of the Goods and the Buyer’s requirements;
application for a refund if a request for a refund of funds has been made;
a copy of the invoice by which the Goods were received;
a copy of the receipt if the goods were paid for at the time of receipt;
a copy of the Buyer’s passport;
other documents confirming the Buyer’s requirements (depending on the type of requirement, these may be conclusions of service and expert services, photographs of the goods, receipts, documents on the elimination of deficiencies, etc.).

9.13. The Seller shall consider these requirements within 20 (twenty) calendar days from the date of the Buyer’s presentation of claims regarding the inadequate quality of the Goods, and if necessary, conduct an examination of the Goods at their own expense. If, as a result of the examination, it is established that the defects of the Goods arose due to circumstances for which the Seller is not responsible, the Buyer must reimburse the Seller for the costs of conducting the examination, as well as the expenses associated with its conduct, storage, and transportation of the Goods. The date of submission of the Buyer’s claims is considered to be:

in case of sending a Claim through a return point – the date of submission of the Claim to such a return point;
in case of sending a Claim by courier or postal service – the date of receipt of the Claim by the Seller from the postal or courier service.

9.14. The Seller shall refund the funds paid by the Buyer for the Goods of inadequate quality within 20 (twenty) calendar days from the date of the Buyer’s request for a refund of funds, if during the inspection it is not established that the defects in the Goods arose due to circumstances for which the Seller is not responsible.

10.1. The Buyer is solely responsible for the content and accuracy of the data provided when entering into the Agreement. The Seller shall be released from liability for breach of Delivery terms if the Buyer provides inaccurate data about themselves when entering into the Agreement.

10.2. Failure by the Buyer to fulfill the obligation to make a prepayment for the Goods shall be considered by the Seller as a unilateral refusal by the Buyer to fulfill the Agreement, which shall constitute termination of the Agreement concluded between the Buyer and the Seller unilaterally (at the initiative of the Buyer) and shall result in the cessation of:

the Seller’s obligation to sell the Goods to the Buyer on the terms of prepayment;
the Buyer’s right to demand from the Seller the sale of the Goods to the Buyer on the terms of prepayment.

10.3. The Seller shall not be liable for the improper use of the Goods by the Buyer purchased under the Agreement.

10.4. The Seller reserves the right to refuse to enter into the Agreement with the Buyer in case of the Buyer’s systematic refusal (more than 2 times) to accept the Goods previously ordered, which is equated to an abuse of rights.

10.5. The Parties shall be discharged from liability for partial or complete non-performance of obligations under this Agreement if such non-performance results from force majeure circumstances arising after the conclusion of this Agreement due to extraordinary circumstances that the Parties could not foresee or prevent.

10.6. Force majeure circumstances are recognized as circumstances occurring beyond the will and desire of the Parties, the effects of which the Parties could not prevent by measures and means that could reasonably and appropriately be expected from a conscientiously acting Party. For the purposes of this Agreement, force majeure circumstances include: natural disasters (earthquake, landslide, flood, inundation, hurricane, storm, natural fire, etc.), biologosocial emergency situations (quarantine, observation, epidemic, epizootic, panzootic, etc.), environmental emergency situations, military actions, illegal armed formations, terrorist acts, actions of state authorities and local self-government bodies, other bodies, organizations endowed with federal law with certain state or other public powers, their officials, including the issuance of acts (laws, orders, and other documents) hindering or making it impossible for the Parties to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement.

10.7. Upon the occurrence of circumstances specified in clauses 10.5-10.6 of this Agreement, each party must promptly notify the other party in writing within 5 business days from the moment of the occurrence of such circumstances.

10.8. The notification must contain information about the nature of the circumstances, as well as official documents certifying the presence of these circumstances and, if possible, assessing their impact on the possibility of performing the Party’s obligations under this Agreement.

10.9. In case of occurrence of circumstances provided for in clauses 10.5-10.6 of this Agreement, the term for performance of obligations under this Agreement by the Party is postponed proportionally to the time during which these circumstances and their consequences are in effect.

10.10. If the circumstances listed in clauses 10.5-10.6 of this Agreement and their consequences continue to exist for more than 30 calendar days, the Parties have the right to unilaterally, out-of-court, terminate the Agreement, reimbursing the Seller for the actual expenses incurred, which arose before the occurrence of force majeure circumstances.


11.1. The Seller undertakes to process the Buyer’s personal data in accordance with the procedures established by applicable law and the Privacy Policy, which is posted on the Website. The Seller must ensure the confidentiality of the Buyer’s personal data in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data.

11.211.2. Upon registration on the Website, the Buyer provides the following personal data: surname, first name, contact phone number, email address, and delivery address.

11.3. For the purpose of concluding the Agreement on the terms of this Public Offer, as well as for the proper performance of the Agreement by the Seller, the Buyer consents to the processing of their personal data by the Seller and persons authorized by the Seller. The Seller undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of the Buyer’s personal data in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data and not to disclose the Buyer’s data to third parties not related to the performance of the Agreement without observing the corresponding confidentiality regime.

11.4. The Seller may use various communication channels to contact the Buyer, such as telephone, catalogs, direct mail advertising, email newsletters, etc.

11.5. The Buyer is informed and agrees that for the purpose of concluding and performing the Agreement, the Buyer’s personal data may be transferred by the Seller to delivery services on terms of confidentiality.

11.6. The Seller has the right to send informational, including advertising messages, to the User/Buyer’s email and mobile phone with their consent expressed by actions that unambiguously identify the subscriber and allow the Seller to reliably establish their consent to receive messages. The User/Buyer has the right to refuse to receive advertising and other information without explaining the reasons for refusal by informing the Seller of their refusal by email.

12.1. In case of any questions or claims from the Buyer to the Seller, the Buyer may declare them in one of the following ways:

– send a written letter or claim by mail to the following address of the Seller: Murmansk region, Murmansk city, ul. Kapitana Orlikovoy, d. 34, kv. 65.

– send an email to the Seller’s address.

12.2. The parties shall endeavor to resolve any disputes arising through negotiations, and in case of failure to reach an agreement, the dispute may be referred to a court in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.

12.3. The Seller has the right to make changes to the terms of this Offer, the Retail Sales Agreement, by notifying the Buyer and other persons by posting the text of this Offer in a new edition on the Seller’s Website. The changes come into effect for Buyers and third parties from the date of posting the text of the Offer in a new edition on the Seller’s Website or from the date specified in the Offer.

13.1. The revocation of the offer may be carried out by the Seller at any time, but this does not constitute grounds for the Seller to refuse the obligations under contracts already concluded. The Seller undertakes to publish a notice of revocation of the offer on the Internet store specifying the exact time of revocation of the offer for the city of Voronezh, but no less than 24 hours before the event of revocation of the offer.

14.1. The terms set forth in this offer are binding on the parties in the event of the Buyer placing an Order with the Seller for the Goods.

14.2. The Buyer guarantees that they understand the terms herein and accept them unconditionally and in full.

14.3. The Internet store and the services provided may be temporarily partially or fully unavailable due to preventive or other maintenance work or for any other technical reasons. The Seller’s technical service has the right to periodically carry out necessary preventive or other maintenance work with or without prior notice to the Buyers.

*This Public Offer is valid until the acceptance of the offer in a new edition.



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